Viewing Monster

#1400: Karakasa

Monster ID 1400 Sprite KARAKASA
kRO Name Karakasa Custom No
iRO Name Karakasa HP 3,092
Size Medium SP 0
Race Formless Level 72
Element Neutral (Lv 3) Speed 155
Experience 752 Attack 172~42
Job Experience 692 Defense 93
MVP Experience 0 Magic Defense 29
Attack Delay 1,638 ms Attack Range 1
Attack Motion 2,016 ms Spell Range 10
Delay Motion 576 ms Vision Range 12
Monster Mode
  • Can Attack
  • Can Move
Monster Stats
STR 66 AGI 73 VIT 33
INT 20 DEX 64 LUK 60

Karakasa Item Drops

Item ID Item Name Drop Chance Can be stealed
7151 Oil Paper 25%
7150 Piece of Bamboo 21.34%
1019 Trunk 16%
7111 Slick Paper 11%
912 Zargon 20.37%
746 Glass Bead 0.15%
13012 Murasame 0.03%
4286 Karakasa Card 0.01% No

Monster Skills for “Karakasa”

No skills found for Karakasa.
