Viewing Item
#6224: Bradium
Item ID |
6224 |
For Sale |
Identifier |
Bradium |
Credit Price |
Not For Sale
Name |
Bradium |
Type |
Etc |
NPC Buy |
2,000 |
Weight |
15 |
NPC Sell |
1,000 |
Weapon Level |
0 |
Range |
0 |
Defense |
0 |
Slots |
0 |
Refineable |
Attack |
0 |
Min Equip Level |
0 |
Max Equip Level |
Equip Locations |
Equip Upper |
Equippable Jobs |
Equip Gender |
Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction |
Item Use Script |
Equip Script |
Unequip Script |
Bradium Dropped By
Monster ID |
Monster Name |
Bradium Drop Chance |
Can be stealed |
Monster Level |
Monster Race |
Monster Element |
2241 |
Gypsy Trentini |
20% |
Sí |
160 |
Demi-Human |
Level 4 Wind
2235 |
Paladin Randel |
20% |
Sí |
160 |
Demi-Human |
Level 4 Holy
2237 |
Professor Celia |
20% |
Sí |
160 |
Demi-Human |
Level 3 Ghost
2239 |
Stalker Gertie |
20% |
Sí |
160 |
Demon |
Level 4 Poison
2850 |
Dolomedes Ringleader |
12.5% |
Sí |
132 |
Insect |
Level 3 Water
2882 |
Elusive Bradium Golem |
12.5% |
Sí |
133 |
Formless |
Level 2 Earth
2022 |
Nidhoggur's Shadow |
5% |
Sí |
117 |
Dragon |
Level 4 Dark
3621 |
Pet Child |
5% |
Sí |
120 |
Brute |
Level 3 Dark
2024 |
Bradium Golem |
2.5% |
Sí |
133 |
Formless |
Level 2 Earth
2092 |
Dolomedes |
2.5% |
Sí |
132 |
Insect |
Level 3 Water
3504 |
Combat Basilisk |
1% |
Sí |
148 |
Brute |
Level 2 Earth
2234 |
Gypsy Trentini |
1% |
Sí |
160 |
Demi-Human |
Level 4 Wind
2228 |
Paladin Randel |
1% |
Sí |
160 |
Demi-Human |
Level 4 Holy
2230 |
Professor Celia |
1% |
Sí |
160 |
Demi-Human |
Level 3 Ghost
2232 |
Stalker Gertie |
1% |
Sí |
160 |
Demon |
Level 4 Poison
2637 |
Solid Tatacho |
0.25% |
Sí |
128 |
Brute |
Level 1 Earth
2873 |
Swift Centipede |
0.25% |
Sí |
125 |
Insect |
Level 2 Poison
2820 |
Solid Dark Shadow |
0.1% |
Sí |
147 |
Formless |
Level 2 Dark
2819 |
Swift Dark Shadow |
0.1% |
Sí |
147 |
Formless |
Level 2 Dark
1987 |
Centipede |
0.05% |
Sí |
125 |
Insect |
Level 2 Poison
1992 |
Cornus |
0.05% |
Sí |
120 |
Brute |
Level 3 Holy
2023 |
Dark Shadow |
0.05% |
Sí |
147 |
Formless |
Level 2 Dark
2018 |
Duneyrr |
0.05% |
Sí |
135 |
Demi-Human |
Level 3 Earth
2773 |
Elusive Luciola Vespa |
0.05% |
Sí |
109 |
Insect |
Level 1 Wind
1993 |
Naga |
0.05% |
Sí |
117 |
Brute |
Level 2 Earth
2017 |
Rata |
0.05% |
Sí |
131 |
Demi-Human |
Level 3 Earth
1986 |
Tatacho |
0.05% |
Sí |
128 |
Brute |
Level 1 Earth
1991 |
Tendrillion |
0.05% |
Sí |
126 |
Brute |
Level 2 Earth
2281 |
Dark Shadow |
0.02% |
Sí |
147 |
Formless |
Level 2 Dark
1994 |
Luciola Vespa |
0.01% |
Sí |
109 |
Insect |
Level 1 Wind